In recent years, many of our clients are changing the emphasis of their energy management activities in the direction of decarbonisation strategies and decarbonisation planning. This has prompted us to change our focus in this direction also.
We have experience in developing decarbonisation programs for large industrial and commercial organisations. Those programs include quantifying the baseline carbon footprints, setting decarbonisation targets and establishing pathways to meet those targets, together with tools to monitor progress along those pathways.
We have knowledge and experience of all the solutions needed to meet decarbonisation targets. These include energy conservation, energy efficiency, re-use of energy, renewable energy sources, energy storage and carbon accounting.
In recent years, many of our clients are changing the emphasis of their energy management activities in the direction of decarbonisation strategies and decarbonisation planning. This has prompted us to change our focus in this direction also.
We have experience in developing decarbonisation programs for large industrial and commercial organisations.
Those programs include quantifying the baseline carbon footprints, setting decarbonisation targets and establishing pathways to meet those targets, together with tools to monitor progress along those pathways.
We have knowledge and experience of all the solutions needed to meet decarbonisation targets. These include energy conservation, energy efficiency, re-use of energy, renewable energy sources, energy storage and carbon accounting.
We are a world leader in supporting the implementation of Energy Management Systems (EnMS). We cover all activities related to the management of energy consumption within an organisation. These activities broadly fit into the topics of managing people, managing information and managing technical equipment and systems.
Through our experience in supporting the development of ISO 50001 and its assoxciated international standards we are intimately familiar with all of the benefits and requirements of an effective EnMS and with how to maximise their impact in terms of achieving energy, cost and emissions reductions.
We have supported over 500 organisations in implementing energy management systems in over 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
Our consultants are thought leaders in energy performance improvement and in energy data analytics and in the use of the principles of ISO 50001 in developing decarbonisation plans.
We are a world leader in supporting the implementation of Energy Management Systems (EnMS). We cover all activities related to the management of energy consumption within an organisation. These activities broadly fit into the topics of managing people, managing information and managing technical equipment and systems.
Through our experience in supporting the development of ISO 50001 and its assoxciated international standards we are intimately familiar with all of the benefits
and requirements of an effective EnMS and with how to maximise their impact in terms of achieving energy, cost and emissions reductions.
We have supported over 500 organisations in implementing energy management systems in over 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
Our consultants are thought leaders in energy performance improvement and in energy data analytics and in the use of the principles of ISO 50001 in developing decarbonisation plans.
The optimisation of energy consumption and the reduction of its impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts is one of the most important activities in sustainability management in large organisations.
We have built on our expertise in energy management to develop sustainability management systems (SMS) for several industrial and commercial clients. These systems integrate the benefits of both ISO 5001 and ISO 14001 and meet the requirements of both standards.
The optimisation of energy consumption and the reduction of its impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts is one of the most important activities in sustainability management in large organisations.
We have built on our expertise in energy management to develop sustainability management systems (SMS) for several industrial and commercial clients. These systems integrate the benefits of both ISO 5001 and ISO 14001 and meet the requirements of both standards.
Gen0 is a world leader in the analysis of energy consumption and related data to evaluate, monitor and demonstrate energy performance improvement across all industrial, commercial, and public sector organisations.
We have developed innovative data analysis techniques, including regression analysis and normalization. These techniques are used to optimise energy performance in all types of facilities.
We have developed energy performance indicators for hundreds of organizations globally, across a wide variety of industrial, commercial, and public sector organisations and we are certified as CMVP® by AEE.
We have developed an international training program on Energy Performance Indicators and Baselines and we have delivered it in different organizations including national energy agencies in different countries including UNIDO and ISO.
Gen0 is a world leader in the analysis of energy consumption and related data to evaluate, monitor and demonstrate energy performance improvement across all industrial, commercial, and public sector organisations.
We have developed innovative data analysis techniques, including regression analysis and normalization. These techniques are used to optimise energy performance in all types of facilities.
We have developed energy performance indicators for hundreds of organizations globally, across a wide variety of industrial, commercial, and public sector organisations and we are certified as CMVP® by AEE.
We have developed an international training program on Energy Performance Indicators and Baselines and we have delivered it in different organizations including national energy agencies in different countries including UNIDO and ISO.
We have a long experience in improving energy performance across many industrial sectors.
We have completed energy audits in several sectors including pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical, food & beverage, metals, car manufacturing, etc.
We have experience with many production processes and with all industrial utility systems. We prioritise no cost and low cost energy saving opportunities.
These improvements not only save energy, reduce costs and reduce CO2 emissions, but they also help to optimise the processes and improve their reliability and productivity.
Our engineers’ experience includes steam, refrigeration, HVAC, compressed air, thermal processes, lighting systems, industrial gases, etc.
And we help to improve the knowledge of our clients through specific technical training programs based on the existing technology from their sites
We have a long experience in improving energy performance across many industrial sectors.
We have completed energy audits in several sectors including pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical, food & beverage, metals, car manufacturing, etc.
We have experience with many production processes and with all industrial utility systems.
We prioritise no cost and low cost energy saving opportunities.
These improvements not only save energy, reduce costs and reduce CO2 emissions, but they also help to optimise the processes and improve their reliability and productivity.
Our engineers’ experience includes steam, refrigeration, HVAC, compressed air, thermal processes, lighting systems, industrial gases, etc.
And we help to improve the knowledge of our clients through specific technical training programs based on the existing technology from their sites
Over recent years, we have completed many hundreds of energy audits and energy consultancy and decarbonization projects in the commercial and public buildings (offices, educational buildings, healthcare, etc.) always prioritising low-cost saving opportunities.
Our architects have more than 15 years experience on bioclimatic architecture and building energy rehabilitation based on reducing demand, high energy efficiency and integrated renewable energy sources.
We have participated in Nearly Zero Energy Buildings projects, which have won national and international awards based on the innovated approach, and also in building certification projects using different rating systems such as LEED, VERDE, BREEAM or Passive House.
We have broad experience on Energy Performance Certificates, including energy simulation tools based on Energy Plus (developed by the US Department of Energy).
Over recent years, we have completed many hundreds of energy audits and energy consultancy and decarbonization projects in the commercial and public buildings (offices, educational buildings, healthcare, etc.) always prioritising low-cost saving opportunities.
Our architects have more than 15 years experience on bioclimatic architecture and building energy rehabilitation based on reducing demand, high energy efficiency and integrated renewable energy sources.
We have participated in Nearly Zero Energy Buildings projects, which have won national and international awards based on the innovated approach, and also in building certification projects using different rating systems such as LEED, VERDE, BREEAM or Passive House.
We have broad experience on Energy Performance Certificates, including energy simulation tools based on Energy Plus (developed by the US Department of Energy).
Durante los últimos años, hemos colaborado en cientos de auditorías energéticas y proyectos de consultoría energética y descarbonización en el sector terciario y público (oficinas, edificios educativos, sanidad, etc.), siempre priorizando la detección de oportunidades de bajo coste.
Nuestros ingenieros y arquitectos tienen más de 15 años de experiencia en arquitectura bioclimática y rehabilitación energética basada en la reducción de demanda, la alta eficiencia energética y la integración de energías renovables.
Hemos colaborado en proyectos de edificios NZEB (Edificios de consumo casi nulo) premiados nacional e internacionalmente por su enfoque innovador, así como proyectos con certificados medioambientales como LEED, VERDE, BREAM o Passive House.
Tenemos también una larga experiencia en la realización de Certificados de Eficiencia Energética a través de las herramientas reconocidas, como Líder, Calener, CE3X o HULC.
Durante los últimos años, hemos colaborado en cientos de auditorías energéticas y proyectos de consultoría energética y descarbonización en el sector terciario y público (oficinas, edificios educativos, sanidad, etc.), siempre priorizando la detección de oportunidades de bajo coste.
Nuestros ingenieros y arquitectos tienen más de 15 años de experiencia en arquitectura bioclimática y rehabilitación energética basada en la reducción de demanda, la alta eficiencia energética y la integración de energías renovables
Hemos colaborado en proyectos de edificios NZEB (Edificios de consumo casi nulo) premiados nacional e internacionalmente por su enfoque innovador, así como proyectos con certificados medioambientales como LEED, VERDE, BREAM o Passive House.
Tenemos también una larga experiencia en la realización de Certificados de Eficiencia Energética a través de las herramientas reconocidas, como Líder, Calener, CE3X o HULC.